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It is important that not only 3rd graders, but all students honor the school motto. Students are expected to be respectful to the teacher as well as their fellow classmates. They should come to class prepared with materials as well as mentally prepared to learn. When students cannot follow the rules as expected, there will be consequences for their actions.

“I promise, to myself and everyone here, I will do my best to follow the rules, be respectful, and help make our school a safe and caring school.”

Woodson's School Motto

PBIS has played a big role in our school. With this system, students are rewarded for their positive behavior. Because students are being held accountable for their behavior, the are able to earn incentives. 

This year students will be able to earn a total of 10 sand dollars throughout each day. At the end of the each month, students will need to have a minimum amount of sand dollars in order to earn their incentive. In addition to having the required amount of sand dollars students must also not have 3 missing assignments, 2 detentions, or 1 OSS/ISS/ISI. 

At the end of each day, the amount of sand dollars earned for that day will be recorded in your child's agenda. This will allow you to see how your child's day was and allow you to have a conversation with them about their score. This score will be calculated based on the possibilty of earning 4 sand dollars each morning and afternoon, earning 1 sand dollar during specials, and earning 1 sand dollar for lunch and recess behaviors. 

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